Watch your mouth and mind your language!
Don't worry i've not lost the was never there in the first place... but never mind lets move on. 😆
I want you to consider the use of words, specifically when referring to our diet.
We designate ourselves a list of 'Good' food that when ever the journey of weight loss starts, we try our upmost to stick too. But let's consider the term 'Good' food 👼. By definition there would logically have to then be 'Bad' food😈...
And what's on the lists?? On the 'Good' side would be fruit, veggies....rabbit food people used to call it...🍏🍐🍌🥦🥕
On the 'Bad' side would typically be chocolate, cakes, and junk food...ha ha 'Junk' another example of language and labels. Then there is alcohol...I'll cover that in another post...🌭🍔🍟🍕🍰🍻🥂
But calling or listing foods as 'Bad' can associate those foods with feelings of shame and guilt if, when as humans we inevitably succumb to the temptation of eating them when trying to lose weight. These feelings of guilt or shame can lead to disordered eating patterns, skipping meals or eating very little in an attempted to make amends.
Yes, certain foods are more nutritious than others, that has to go without too much explanation I would hope, things such as the fruit, veg and lean protein sources such as chicken and fish.
But that doesn't mean the less nutritious food like cake, crisps biscuits etc are bad. If weight loss is the primary goal then it is totally possible to still eat these less nutrient dense foods and still make amazing progress.
The key words are MODERATION and BALANCE. ⚖️
Eat those less nutritious foods in moderation with a balance between them and nutritious a rule of thumb 👍, if 80% of your diet is balanced with healthy nutritious foods, then 20% can come from treats and snacks. Just watch the portion sizes. 🍻--🍺
Food should be and is meant to be both nourishing and pleasurable not something sent up from the depths of hell to torment should we want to eat it..likewise its not the forbidden fruit!
Food shouldn't determine your value as a person or define you as a success or failure if you don't stick to 'the plan' 100% of the time. Balance and moderation. One biscuit with your coffee shouldn't make you feel like crap💩...its a biscuit get over yourself and move on.🤓